The longer days make me feel relaxed and expansive, and creative. As long as I don't let myself be too busy.

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Jun 20Author

Summers bring up a lot of memories of unsupervised childhood days and time to play and wonder. I feel so grateful that I can do the same in my old age. It's too sultry to do much outdoor work.

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These are AMAZING!!!! Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 20Author

So glad you like then Donna!

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These are beautiful! What lovely work. I have not heard of the Artist’s Way, I’ll have to look into that. Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 20Author

Thank you so much Jenn. Your sketches are beautiful, I just subscribed to see more of them. Do you sketch directly in ink or do a pencil sketch first?

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Do you sketch out your ideas before hand or do you just go for it, too?

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it, I’m happy you enjoyed my sketches, too. I do my sketches directly in ink, I get so fussy with a pencil 😂

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At the moment it is more than 30 degrees (C) in my hometown and the temperature just makes me so tired. I cannot think properly and thus, can barely even be creative. So, in that sense, the seasons really affect me even though I've never realized it before now.

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Jun 20Author

Oh the hot weather saps one's energy, doesn't it? I like to get up early and do things when it's cooler.

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I had to zoom in on your lovely trees, so talented and hard to pick a favorite. I need to entertain taking a sketch book out more in the world. You certainly see life differently then. There was an exercise I did once and I'd love to share if I can find it. Neither there, I can tell how much joy you're finding on your artistic path, keep it going. Glad your mending as well!

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Jun 19Author

Thank you so much for encouraging me, I do get frustrated with my progress at times, and kind words help me continue trying!

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Hi Jo,

My work changes very much with the seasons. I change very much with the seasons, too! I have always been this way but have not noticed or embraced this creative intuition until just the past couple of years. Even now, it still surprises me what comes in without the drive to push so hard.

Spring is slow for me. I feel myself leaving my painting, book making, and other visual art practices for long stretches of time to work on my garden, take long walks in the woods, attend my sons baseball games, engage with people more and just generally open up. Summer is a busy time of teaching workshops. This summer I’m also traveling to do this. Fall and winter are my most creative making times. I become engaged in longer projects as the cold sets in here in northern Maine.

I love living this intuitive and creative way…for me it’s feels very right and very simple. Best wishes on your watercolor journey. I love your trees!

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Jun 19Author

Thank you so much for this kind comment Charlene. The summers here on Long Island are oppressively humid, and I start to cheer up when I see the first leaves turning in the middle of August. The first clear blue sky day in September is always exciting for me.

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I remember those days… I grew up and lived in the Philadelphia area for many years and attended college in Brooklyn, NY. I hope you can stay cool!

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Yummy work! The Artist's Way changed my life. Thanks for sharing your process today. ❤️

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Jun 19Author

Thanks Mary. I can sense the changes now, some of the exercises are tough but I am determined to stick with it this time.

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Lovely art Jo, hope you're well soon enough. Intrigued by how you got the gallery to work. I tried and it looked ok on screen but came out as separates 🤔

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Jun 19Author

Thanks Carl. The gallery was made on wordpress and then I used the windows screen clipping tool to copy it and paste it into substack.

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Wonderfull works of art Jo

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Jun 19Author

Thank you for your kind words Rolando!

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