Excellent tips, thanks. I've recently been doing some clothing repairs, which got me back into the mood for sewing, so I've started creative sewing again.

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Thanks Lynne. I think I can try that approach again, now that the old cat cant jump on the counters anymore. I will bring a small watercolor kit to the kitchen.

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What a lovely list of ideas, thank you. When my kids were little I was so desperate to paint that I hung a canvasses on the kitchen wall. I lost count of how many abstracts I painted while the potatos were boiling.

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Love these ideas!

“Make random splashes of coffee, tea, or juice on paper and turn it into a drawing.”

Why did this one make me think of Bob Ross? A happy little accident and the chance to make something unique and beautiful!

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Leanna, Bob certainly kept calm when things went wrong in a painting, he just turned them into something that was perhaps always meant to be part of the view.

Thanks for commenting!

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What a lovely list! Definitely cleaning up at the end of the day should be one of my new habits. ☺️

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It really helps, puts me one step ahead of myself if I only have a few minutes free the following day.

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So glad you are finding them helpful! Let me know which ones you try!

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I love the ideas in #7. This is truly a help.

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You are an inspiration. And I want one if your paintings! How can I obtain one?

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Some really good tips here that I will start incorporating!

I have a real bad issue with managing expectations sometimes. I often find myself responding to messages and emails during time carved out for myself to work on something… time passes and nothing has been done but new conversations have started 🙄

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Thanks for restacking. Digital Intrusion can be the worst timewaster. Sometimes I keep my phone in another room when I want to paint.

I think some people may take it personally if you don't respond right away. Maybe gradually get them used to longer delays in responding.

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Mar 28Edited

I came back to my post for the ten minute writing prompts and realized the link is wrong. Here are some ten minute writing prompts. https://blog.ed.ted.com/2015/11/17/21-fun-things-to-write-about-in-10-minutes-or-less/

I also fixed it in the body of the post.

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I love these ideas, thanks Jo! My favorites are to try something new and to spend less time choosing. I will hold those front of mind.

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Good ideas, all. Some had not occurred to me before, so thanks. I will try some new things. 🐰

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Thank you for this 😊

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Great suggestions

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Glad you like them William!

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