In an earlier stack, I wrote about my definition of Big C and small c creativity. For more days than I would like to admit, I have been only finding time and energy for such small c adventures as:
Prepping some signatures so I can learn to do Coptic binding and make sketchbooks that way
Working halfheartedly in my watercolor studio journal
Doing small sketchbook size gouache studies
Working at a very slow pace on quilting projects
Sketching while looking out the window at some plants.
A bit of random colorplay where I blindly pick a watercolor tube from each of my primary color bins and making a color chart like this:
The colors were all Daniel Smith: Winsor Blue, Hansa Yellow Deep, and Opera Pink.
I think the yellow made some decent greens but I am not sure about combining opera pink with anything. It has to be used carefully or else it proclaims its presence in an overpowering granulating way. Maybe I just need to mix it better, I don’t know.
I had hoped to have time for some semi abstract landscape colorplay with these colors today, but I found my time eaten up with way too much decluttering, cleaning., and worrying about family members. And I have had a headache all day.
I had planned to go out to the library for an easy cheap artist date to poke around for books, drop off some books to the used book sale room, and maybe do some covert sketching. But I let that go as well.
I am tired and in need of a break in routine, I think. For now, I will just coast along til bedtime and try harder to get back on track.
I would like to do some larger watercolor painting soon. I get nervous about skill retention if I let it go for too long.
What do you do when you feel like you have been in a creative dry spell for too long? Advice much appreciated.
I don’t think I will ever ask for a subscription, for reasons I will explain at length at some point, but some occasional support in terms of coffee money would help me stay motivated.
Sometimes I have to come to terms that the small c creative has to suffice and when I look back I see how all the small c's end up looking like one big C! keep plugging away at the small things! Book binding is a technique I've always wanted to learn but have put off because hey, I have enough creative pursuits already!